EmbersTrace is a premier company which provides fire sprinkler installation and systems since our establishment, which have proven to be both high quality and cost effective. We guarantee the installation of the system within budget both financially and time wise and most importantly, will be done within all regulatory code requirements
What Are Fire Sprinkler Systems?
Fire sprinkler systems have come a long way to become one of the top fire detection technologies around. Gone are the days when you risked soaking all your property in water because the sprinkler system went off when you burnt a piece of toast. Today’s fire sprinkler systems are smart and designed to reduce damage to property caused by water, smoke and fire.
The Benefits of Installing Sprinkler Systems
Research shows that having a sprinkler system in a building can prevent death or loss of property by more than 65%. These systems are designed to automatically trigger when a certain level of fire-specific temperature is reached. A single sprinkler can contain fire in a room and prevent extensive property damage. In fact, sprinkler systems utilize less water compared to a fire horse.
Dry Vs. Wet Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire sprinkler systems come in different types depending on where they are going to be installed. The most common types are dry, foam, wet and deluge fire sprinkler systems. Wet fire sprinkler systems are designed with steel pipes that are filled with water so that when the sprinkler head is activated, the pressurized water comes out. Wet fire sprinkler systems are designed to react faster than any other type of system. They are also very simple, reliable and cost effective which explains why they are very commonly used. However, wet fire sprinkler systems are usually not installed in areas that are prone to freezing.
Dry fire sprinkler systems are filled with compressed air which is released when the sprinkler head is activated changing the pressure in the pipes which then pushes water to fill the system. Unlike the wet sprinkler systems, dry pipe systems react slower but in turn release a lot more pressurized water. They are designed with large pipes, which is why they are costlier than wet sprinkler systems. The dry sprinkler systems also need proper maintenance which can turn out to be complex and costly.